How would people describe you if you weren’t around? What would they say are the character traits that make up who you are? The Richest Men in Town has given an opportunity for us to sit down with some of our closest friends and have deep conversations and find out what makes them who they are. Toby Crawford is one of those rich individuals that we have had the pleasure of knowing for many years. Even before we had him on the show we would have defined him as compassionate, faithful, giving and kind. Toby reveals those experiences that have contributed to him becoming the person he is. He has sacrificed for others and the number of people that consider him a friend and a role model is long. Toby reminds us of a few things that are important for us all to develop.
Selflessness – Bruce Lee said “real living is living for others”. Find who those people are that you live for. If you don’t have that list of people yet, find them. When we do for others we change ourselves.
Compassion – Quoting Nelson Mandela is always a good idea and when he speaks about compassion we should listen. He said “Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.” enough said!
Loyalty – In honor of my World Champion Dodgers I choose to quote the great Tommy Lasorda when he says “you give loyalty you’ll get it back, you give love you’ll get it back”. That sounds pretty simple, you get what you put into it.
There are so many lessons taught in our time with Toby Crawford. These are just a few that are stuck in my brain. What lessons did you grab a hold of?