Episode #122: Tony Beckstrom-“Thank You Village”

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In This Episode:
Tyler and Mike are back after a little hiatus to launch Season 5 and their guest takes Tyler back to his mission days in Columbus, Ohio. Tony Beckstrom joins the show to catch up on the last couple of decades and the talk is all about family. The guys take notes as Grandpa Tony gives them a preview of what life looks like when kids find love, marriage, and grandkids start happening. Tony’s heart goes out to the family, friends, and community that make up the village that helped him and his wife Missy raise his kids. Along the way, the guys get into all kinds of topics including:
Love and expectations
Seeing everyone’s potential
“Someone’s Son”
God’s timing
Tough love
Love, Share, Invite
Feedback from a place of love
Power of Example/Modeling
Evidence of discipleship
Power of Names
Feeling unworthy to pray
Always the first one to show up
Showing your love for the Savior through service
In the end, Tony stepped up, showed up, and delivered a “how to” on living the Richest Men In Town life. To Tony, thank you brother. Keep going. To Lucy June, your grandpa is a freaking rockstar!

Show Notes

Who Said It…

“Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old-time rail journey–delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.” -Gordon B. Hinckley

High Expectations, High Love
Terrell Owens “I love me some me” 
Duck Dynasty 
Lake Powell
T-I-M-E Spells Love
Jelly Roll’s “Favor”
Tim McGraw’s “Where the Green Grass Grows”