Episode #43: Troy Blanchard-“Choose Your Own Adventure”

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In this episode…
Tyler and Mike welcome Troy Blanchard into the RMIT virtual studio for an amazing conversation where Troy lets the guys in on a powerful ride through his “rich man” life.  Troy shares practical and powerful strategies and experiences that have resulted in stretch and growth in his life and could do the same for those that are listening.  For Troy, it’s all about the pivot and the growth that comes from feeling and following the pull of challenges and disrupting events.  Life is just like those Choose Your Own Adventures we all read and loved when we were kids and for the Blanchards the adventure has always been about “being globally minded and spiritually grounded”.  That phrase turns out to be more than just a fancy motto on the wall in the living room.  It was a promise to keep and Troy’s “true north” that he has used to guide his family through their faith journey.  Enjoy the truth that Troy drops on the guys and soak in the lessons that will help all of us learn how we can be better in every aspect of our lives.

Topics include:

  • Morning Routine
  • Winning
  • Transitions & Margin
  • Being present in our parenting
  • Opportunities that come through disruption
  • Choosing to disrupt yourself
  • Trials of our faith and growth
  • Family mottos
  • Prayer is work and a wrestle
  • Answers in the path of duty

Show Notes

Who said it…

  • “Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear,” she wrote the Rev. Michael van der Peet in September 1979.
  • “Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.” –Doctrine & Covenants 123:17
  • “Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed.” –Moses 1:10

