Episode #46: Brian Grow-“No Effort Is Wasted”

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In this episode…
Mike and Tyler meet up with Brian Grow.  Brian is a self-proclaimed millennial loving every minute of being a dad to 3 young children.  He shows up big time with the guys and the lessons are everywhere.  The guys talk about how to cherish the memories that we are making everyday and how to find extraordinary moments in the ordinary day-to-day.  

Show Notes

Who said it…

  • “So many spiritual outcomes require saving truths to be mixed with time, forming the elixir of experience, that sovereign remedy for so many things.” –Neal A. Maxwell
  • “Puzzlement, for instance, is often the knob on the door of insight. The knob must be firmly grasped and deliberately turned with faith. The harrowing of the soul can be like the harrowing of the soil to increase the yield with things being turned upside down.” –Neal A. Maxwell
  • “Hope is not an emotion; it’s a way of thinking or a cognitive process. Emotions play a supporting role, but hope is really a thought process made up of what Snyder calls a trilogy of goals, pathways, and agency. In very simple terms, hope happens when We have the ability to set realistic goals (I know where I want to go). We are able to figure out how to achieve those goals, including the ability to stay flexible and develop alternative routes (I know how to get there, I’m persistent, and I can tolerate disappointment and try again). We believe in ourselves (I can do this!).” –Brené Brown

