Episode #75: Kory Anglesey-“Bootcamp Mentality”

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In This Episode:
Mike and Tyler have an opportunity to catch up with Kory Anglesey. Kory’s story is a powerful witness of the importance of learning and building relationships. Kory’s learning everywhere he goes. As a teenager, it was about his faith and identity. Years later, it was about relating to the people of Afghanistan speaking Pashto. With his wife Tiffany, he is living the rich life serving others, raising a family, and serving his country. 

Show Notes

Who Said It…

  • “Friction is an expected and necessary part of life. When life has more friction, lean in and sharpen up. These are the times when we have the most to learn and the quickest path to improvement. The alternative is letting the friction grind us down.” –Sam Borquez
  • “There are no formulas with God. The way in which God heals our wound is a deeply personal process. He is a person and He insists on working personally.” -John Aldredge, Wild at Heart
