In This Episode:
It’s short and sweet this week because it’s just the guys and they are feeling reflective coming off the heels of the first-ever Richest Men In Town unofficial tour stop in Redding, California. Shout out to our Redding RMIT guests that stopped by for some pizza and the opportunity to meet Tyler in person for the first time. That experience and a few others get the guys thinking and talking about the common ingredients that make up a rich life and the simple fact that everyone does it right even when everyone does it a little differently. The guys get into a DIY version of the “secrets of adulthood” and invite everyone to dig into their own life experiences to record the things that they know for themselves. It’s always about getting better and this week is no different as the guys pull up their chairs and share their thoughts on the lessons that life is teaching them.
Show Notes
Who Said It…
- “God knows you. You are His child. He loves you. Even when you think that you are not lovable, He reaches out to you. This very day—every day—He reaches out to you, desiring to heal you, to lift you up, and to replace the emptiness in your heart with an abiding joy. He desires to sweep away any darkness that clouds your life and fill it with the sacred and brilliant light of His unending glory. I have experienced this for myself.” -Elder Dieter Uchtdorf