Episode #108: Chris Scott-“Being Not Doing”

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In This Episode:
Mike and Tyler consider every episode of the Richest Men In Town a gift and this week with Chris Scott is no different. Chris and the story of the rich life that he is living literally fell in Mike’s lap. One day at work, Mike hears Chris talk about his work with Guidepost Therapy, in particular the support that he is providing to dads in a program called 24/7 Dad, and the next thing you know Chris is dropping truth and wisdom to RMIT listeners. Chris has a deep bag of life experience, education, research, and resources and his time with the guys in this episode barely scratches the surface. Chris shares some remarkable parenting insights and lets Tyler and Mike in on his journey of faith, family, change, and finding his purpose. The result is 111 minutes of help for all of us to learn how to be better at being not doing. To Chris and your family, keep going brother and screen your phone calls because there’s no doubt that the guys will be calling you again soon. 

Show Notes

Who Said It…

  • “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.” -John Bytheway
