In This Episode:
This week on the Richest Men in Town, the guys go guest-less and keep it short in order to enjoy some college kids coming home for a bit. This RMIT Light edition might be short on time but don’t sleep on this one though. It’s still classic Tyler and Mike, only this time “in concentrate”. The guys discuss:
-“Killing elephants”
-Listening to help
-The power of curiosity
-Levels of listening
Show Notes
Who Said It…
“After an encounter with the living Son of the living God, nothing is ever again to be as it was before.” -Jeffrey R. Holland
Knowledge Saves Lives
Acts 3
The First Great Commandments by Jeffrey R. Holland
Ted Lasso “Be Curious”
Five Levels of Listening by Stephen Covey
RMIT Episode #32 “Fear is a Liar” with John Taylor
RMIT Episode #16 “Unashamed” with Nick Anderson
Baptismal covenant
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